Are Mortgage Lenders Encouraging Homeowners to File Bankruptcy?

by Richard S. Feinsilver on June 12, 2011

I know this sounds completely bizarre, but it may start happening more frequently in the near future.

In the past 30 days, I have encountered three new clients who have been “informally” advised by their mortgage lenders to file bankruptcy to deal with their unsecured debt PRIOR to completing a mortgage modification.

Lenders, in addition to the 31% rule (previously discussed in another post), are now taking a closer look at a homeowner’s total debt ratio – also known in the banking business as the “back end number.”.

In the cases I have encountered thus far, each client had a total debt ratio (mortgage payments, auto payments and credit card minimum payments) of in excess of 50% of their monthly gross incomes. It is my understanding that lenders may now not consider a homeowner for a modification unless their total debt ratio is less than 40% of their gross monthly income. For many homeowners, bankruptcy may now be the best alternative to eliminate credit card debt BEFORE applying for a mortgage modification.

As a former banker, I know that although the two ratio formula has been around forever, it has shifted over the years. Back in the early ‘90s (before mortgages began to be sold en masse), the rule of thumb was that mortgage debt should not exceed 28% of homeowner’s gross monthly income, AND that their total debt ratio should not exceed 34% of income. In the early 2000’s, the ratios shifted to as high as 35%/45% (and this was in addition to all of the other types of mortgages that were available, such as “liar” loans).

The pendulum now appears to be swinging back to the more “traditional” guidelines. If you are attempting to modify your mortgage, I suggest that you first calculate your total debt ratio and then speak to your lender . Instead of wasting valuable time processing an application for a modification which could be doomed from day one, it may be a good strategy to be proactive with your lender and ask whether they would be willing to consider you for a modification if you agree to deal with your unsecured (credit card) debt in a bankruptcy proceeding. In this environment, anything is possible….


In the recent past, I have seen a trend develop that, even as a parent, I find extremely disturbing – parents seeking bankruptcy protection in mid-life or in preparation for retirement that will remain saddled with their children’s student loan obligations long after they have discharged of their other debts.

Here’s an example: A couple in their early-mid 50’s that rent an apartment, with a combined income of in excess of $80,000 per year has $50,000 in credit card debt. In addition, while their child was in college, they co-signed for an additional $50,000 in student loans. Their child, now is his/her late 20’s, is having difficulty getting their career off the ground and cannot meet their student loan obligations. Mom and Dad, as the joint obligors, begin to make student loan payments for their child that could be as high as $500/month. Dad’s job then gets downsized and his $60,000 income is now $30,000. Mom and Dad now seek advise from a bankruptcy attorney (me). I now have to deliver the good news and the bad news that (a) they qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy; (b) they can obtain a discharge of their credit card debt; but ( c) they will still be obligated for their child’s student loans.

The reason for this is that, despite the provisions contained in Section 523(a)(8) of the Bankruptcy Code, which state that certain student loan obligations may be discharged in bankruptcy, in reality, this is NOT the case.

The rule of thumb in the case law on this issue was provided in In re Brunner The Court in Brunner basically held that so long as an obligor on a student loan is able bodied, has some net disposable income above their usual and customary living expenses, and is capable of making some type of payment on a student loan obligation, that student loan cannot be discharged in bankruptcy.

As a parent and a bankruptcy attorney for over 20 years, I give every parent this word of advise: Love Your Children, But Don’t Sign For Them! I know that you want to do everything you can to help your child to succeed in life, and this includes providing financial support. Financial support, though, does not have to mean co-signing for your child’s student loans.

If your child needs student loans to supplement their college expenses, let your child sign for them, even if you can afford to make the payments. You can always help them to make the payments for as long as you can afford to do so. The key is to love your child, and help them any way you can financially – so long as it is within your means. I am seeing too many couples who put their children ahead of themselves and are being forced to pay their children’s student loan obligations well into their retirement years. This trend will have to be dealt with by Congress at some point, but unfortunately, I do not see it materializing until our present economic house gets put back in order.


New Wildcard Exemption is a “Wild” Success in New York

April 10, 2011

Beginning January 22, 2011, individuals filing for bankruptcy protection in New York were given the option of choosing either the New York State or Federal Exemptions to determine what personal property could be protected from creditors and trustees. This has proven to be a major benefit, particularly to those individuals who either rent or own […]

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Eight Tips for Coping with Stress and Anxiety About Debt

February 18, 2011

Does your debt feel like it is taking over your life? Has it caused you to lose sleep? Is it causing tension or arguments with your loved ones?  Here are eight tips that should help you cope with your debt and allow you to deal with the emotional and mental issues it causes. Accept that your […]

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More New York Renters Likely to Opt for Federal Exemptions in 2011

January 15, 2011

In recent posts, I have discussed some of the long-awaited changes impacting the property that New York residents can protect from creditors (and trustees) in a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy proceeding (“exemptions”) that will take effect on January 22, 2011. Upon further reflection of the changes, beyond the massive increase in the homestead […]

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Increase in Homestead Exemption a Major Boon to Boomers/Retirees

December 29, 2010

On January 22, 2011, the amount of equity that an individual homeowner in New York State can protect from creditors in bankruptcy shall increase from $50,000.00 to $150,000.00. This increase could prove to be a major benefit to boomers and retirees in our area who may: …own their home (including coops and condos) free and […]

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Credit After Bankruptcy – Faster Now Than Ever

August 7, 2010

One of the most popular questions that I am asked by both prospective and existing clients is “How long will it take for me to re-establish my credit?” The real answer is – not nearly as long as you may have thought before reading this posting. If you think about it, this is truly an […]

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The Beginning of the End for Debt Settlement Companies

August 5, 2010

The New York Times reported that, on Thursday, July 29, 2010, the Federal Trade Commission announced restrictions on companies that mislead innocent consumers that they can reduce or eliminate unsecured debt. The new rules, which will take effect this fall, will prohibit Debt Settlement and Debt Consolidation Companies from charging a fee before they settle […]

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What is a Meeting of Creditors?

July 31, 2010

Section 341 of the United States Bankruptcy Code provides creditors the right to meet with the debtor to determine if a discharge or a reorganization of debt is appropriate based upon the facts and circumstances presented by a debtor in their bankruptcy petition. While creditors technically have the right to attend these proceedings, and to […]

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Bankruptcy As A Pre-Retirement Tool

July 31, 2010

Are you approaching retirement? Are you still burdened with massive minimum monthly payment obligations on your credit cards? Are you concerned that you will not be able to continue to maintain these payments once you stop working? Over the past 20 years, I have encountered countless individuals in mid-life who have agonized over the prospect […]

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